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You can now invest with us!
We have got a big update for you today – a brand new offering from us at Safe Pacific.
Today, we’re covering investing. I know most of our content is about specialty life insurance strategies, but we have also been managing investments for clients since the beginning of Safe Pacific.
In the past we used to only manage investments for our insurance clients because it is a lot of work and takes a lot of time, but now our team is bigger and we have a great technology platform that’s increased our capacity so now we can manage investments for more people which is why I’m talking about it to you now.
Let’s go over a little bit about our system and how it works and why that’s a benefit to you.
We’re one of the few companies that have been invited onto the Harness Investment Management platform – this is the backend technology that lets us operate everything online – and if you work with us, gives you client access to any accounts through an online portal that’s updated all the time.
The Harness platform is the technology platform that runs everything. Inside there we have access to work with multiple best-of-class asset managers which gives you access to all types of great investments in one spot.
There are a few different types of investment portfolios that we can offer depending on your needs – ranging from pooled solutions which are simple and low cost, to actively managed investing that would be larger portfolios with more diversified holdings that could be in North America or around the world. These actively managed portfolios also offer a greater variety of types of investments – of course equities and fixed income but also alternative investments, pension-like solutions, private equity, private credit, real estate and different cash accounts.
On this platform, we can offer you a separately managed account, which means you would hold direct ownership of the underlying securities, reducing your costs and providing tax advantages. These separately managed accounts are also actively managed by professional asset managers with a fiduciary duty to you.
Now these different kinds of account offerings have different minimum requirements because they each have different levels of complexity and for some you just need more capital in order to build the portfolios.
We researched and interviewed a bunch of platforms and managers before selecting the Harness team and here are some of the reasons we chose to work with them.
Any of the portfolio managers that would be in contact with you, our client, are fiduciaries – which means they are legally bound to work in your best interest.
They are technology forward – the platform works, is quick and you can do everything online. You’d be amazed at how many investment platforms out there still require paper, mail and wet signatures. Those were non-starters for us because of the way we run our business.
Their solution is also very affordable when it comes to fees especially compared to a lot of the other platforms out there. For most cases, they make use of low-fee ETFs to construct portfolios which lets us all keep the fees down while providing diverification and strong liquidity.
Harness is also backed by Purpose Unlimited which is a $22 billion dollar Canadian investment firm. The team building the Harness platform spun out of Wealthsimple and Wealthsimple also provided some of the funding for Harness when it launched. This gives us the confidence to know they are going to continually develop the platform and that they have the funding in place to be there for the long term.
I talked a little bit about the investment options that we can offer. Now here are the types of accounts we can work with for you – we can do your RRSP, your TFSA, your new FHSA, your RESPs for the kids and we can do non-registered accounts. So the full breadth of account types we can do those for you.
So that’s the big change here at Safe Pacific that lets me finally talk about investments on these videos. I couldn’t do it before because if someone wanted us to manage their investments we didn’t really have the right platform and the team capacity to do it. Now we have a killer online platform and our team has grown so we can actually take on new investment clients and give them the same great service that we give to our insurance clients.
If you’re looking for somebody that’s good, reliable and trustworthy to help you manage your investments, please give us a call and see if we can be a good fit to work with you. We’ve got the platform dialed, we have great investments available at all account minimum levels and we can work with you on all account types that you can get in Canada.
Now that we finally have this offering available, you’ll be seeing a lot more investment content on this channel. I’m really looking forward to expanding the scope of what I can share with you on here.
That’s it today – it was more of an update than the educational content that I usually post, but now that this is out of the way you’ll see a lot more educational investment content coming on our regular weekly schedule.
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If you want to set up for yourself or your business please reach out. We are very excited to have new investment clients. Fill out the table below and we will get back to you in 24 hours on business days.
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