Demystifying the Immediate Financing Arrangement

We had the pleasure of presenting in front of our friends and colleagues on our experiences working on Demystifying the Immediate Financing Arrangement (IFA)! The event took place at the Shangri-La hotel in Vancouver, and was hosted by our friends at Sun Life Financial!

Demystifying the Immediate Financing Arranagment is a great strategy for small business owners who have a lot of retained earnings in their company. It is catered towards those who are effected by the newly introduced small business tax rules, in Canada.

Our presentation focused on a case study of an individual we actually did this with. Using a case study is beneficial because if provides an example of real life application, as well as gives context of how and when the IFA is useful.

We want to thank Sun Life Financial for putting on a stellar event! Also for providing us a platform to share our skills, and knowledge with our colleagues.

If you want to learn more about the event, follow the link below to watch our youtube video!

If you would like to learn more about the Immediate Financing Arrangement feel free to reach out to us and see if this could be right for you!

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